Battlefield V art

EA Offers Battlefield V for Free in Upcoming Weekends of October

With Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launching on October 25, EA’s Battlefield V servers could get less crowded than ever until the arrival of next Battlefield game in 2020. However, it seems EA has another plan in mind to invite more players to its unsuccessful sequel to Battlefield 1 this month.

According to the infamous publisher, Battlefield V is going to be available for free during all the weekend days in October and it starts as of tomorrow. From October 10th to October 13rd, you can get Battlefield V on PC and play its both single-player and multiplayer modes.

There are going to be three consecutive free weekends for Battlefield V ahead. Each weekend will host a selected number of multiplayer modes, while War Stories will be available constantly. Your progress through these free opportunities will be saved, so that you will be able to keep what you earn if you decide to buy the game at the end of free weekends.

Taking on World War 2, Battlefield V never brought the ground-breaking success of its predecessors in both user scores of the fans and monetization. Previously, EA has officially confirmed that Battlefield V’s weak sales didn’t meet the company’s expectations, though it was the first Battlefield game after years that has got no season pass to be purchased. Lack of content and bringing the same experience of Battlefield 1 with minor improvements were maybe the main obstacles ahead of the game at its launch.

After October 13rd, you can wait for two other free weekends for Battlefield V on October 17th and October 24th.

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Source: DSO Gaming

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