
Eidos Montreal Sent Playtest Survey For Final Fantasy Tactics – Rumor

A month ago GeForce Now was data mined with a lot of rumored, or hoped-for titles getting outted as being possibly in development. Nvidia later clarified that their inclusion on the platform was not to say proof of their existence but rather titles the platform expected to be announced. Among those listed were several Square Enix IP’s including a remake of Final Fantasy IX, a remaster of Chrono Cross, as well as a remaster for Final Fantasy Tactics.

Disclaimer – This information has not been verified, therefore this is not factual.

According to Redditor u/DrNanard, Eidos Montreal has sent out a playtest survey and invitation with questions specifically relating to Final Fantasy Tactics and another tactical game Ogre Battle. Eidos Montreal, as this Redditor points out, is often involved in Square Enix playtests for wester audiences alongside Square Enix Europe (previously Eidos as well).

The survey begins by asking if they have ever played Final Fantasy Tactics, which is simply a yes or no question, before asking several questions about tactical series such as Fire Emblem and Ogre Battle. At one point this Reddit user notes that he thought this might be for the upcoming spiritual successor for Final Fantasy Tactics, which is known as Triangle Strategy, one question asked if they had ever played Final Fantasy 12 or its DS sequel. Fans of the series know that these games are the only mainline games in the series to share a setting with Tactics.

They also stated they were asked multiple questions about where they played Final Fantasy Tactics, being asked if they had played it on the original PlayStation before being asked if they played it on IOS or Android. While this might not point directly to a remaster, it does make it seem the survey is more interested in players’ relationship with that game over the others.

As Nvidia pointed out with their leak, not all of these titles might be developed or even planned for development. However, several leaked games have already been confirmed, such as the recently announced PC port for God of War.

Source – Reddit

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