Enotria: The Last Song Xbox Series Version Release Date Announced

Developer Jyamma Games has announced that the Xbox Series version of Soulslike action RPG Enotria: The Last Song will launch on December 12. The Xbox version was previously delayed back in September. Enotria: The Last Song first launched on September 19 for PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. In the game, players “try to restore the land to its former glory. There will be few helpers and many enemies, the ones who have created the Canovaccio in the first place, and the ones which are bound to it in servitude, unwitting obstacles to [their] journey.”


The game’s details via the developer:

Enotria: The Last Song is a Soulslike action RPG set in a fantasy world based off Italian folklore and culture.

It aims to take the genre in a new direction, with a vibrant and sun-lit world based off Italian summer and gameplay based on changing between two states, allowing you to alter the world and enemies around you in systemic ways. It is defined as a Souls-Like but unlike other souls-likes we are depicting a world based off Italian summer colors, as we call it, “Summer-Soul.”

The Narrative

Enotria: The Last Song is set in the omonimous continent, a place where many cultures and countries thrived in their own ways—until everything was damned to ruin…

The curse of the Canovaccio has ever since taken hold over the land and has stripped its inhabitants of anything but the role they have to perform for the Play, and this meaningless world has become nothing more than an empty, if beautiful, husk.

In your quest to try to restore the land to its former glory there will be few helpers and many enemies, the ones who have created the Canovaccio in the first place, and the ones which are bound to it in servitude, unwitting obstacles to your journey.

Yet, is it even possible to bring Enotria back to its glory? And are things as they really seem?

Gameplay: High-Level

The goal with Enotria: The Last Song is to capture the heart and soul of Soulslikes, with rewarding exploration, diverse player builds, varied enemy designs, and then build on it with our own unique twist. With Ardore, the player always has access to two states, allowing them to influence enemy behaviors, dynamically alter the world around them, solve puzzles and harness the very elements in systemic ways. We believe this is a fresh take on the genre—one that is as weird, engaging and rewarding for players to explore out of combat as it is during.

The Player

The player is an oddity in this stale world. Born outside of the Canovaccio, its power is a direct violation of the Play and will lay a unique array of tools to push back against the encroaching curse.

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