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Even More Resident Evil 9 Details Have Seemingly Leaked

In a recent video from Residence of Evil, the Youtuber highlighted new leaks for Resident Evil 9 citing new details from Biohazard Declassified. According to the new leaks, Resident Evil 9 will be set four years after the events of Resident Evil Village and before Shadows of Rose DLC. It will also continue the Resident Evil 7 and Village storyline. It will also feature the two fan-favorite characters Leon and Jill as protagonists. It will see them investigating reports of the mass production of clones of the biological weapon Eveline. The main antagonist will allegedly be called Mr Simon, who is supervising the mass production of clones.  Jill and Leon will also allegedly both be infected by the Mutamycete virus.

Additionally, Leon will reportedly look like he did in the 2012 animated film Resident Evil: Damnation, while Jill will look like she did in the 2023 film Dead Island. Additionally, Chris and Barry will be featured in the game and will be supporting the protagonists behind the scenes. Lastly, Resident Evil 9 will also feature different stalker enemies for both Leon and Jill, and Jill will be chased after by an enemy called the Goat Man. Its worth noting that these are all just claims and should be taken with a grain of salt. However, these details have aligned with several details that have previously been leaked.

Several details from previous leaks:

The translated information from the stream is as follows:

  • Says RE9 stars Leon AND Jill, not just Leon.
  • Jill is apparently to Leon what Sheva is to Chris in RE5.
  •  Game is not fully open world, just has open world elements like RE Village and RE4 Remake.
  •  Game was initially designed as a co-op game, but after the positive reception to RE7 and RE Village being single player, Capcom may have cut the co-op aspect.
  • When considering cutting the co-op, Capcom also considered cutting Jill as well to just focus on Leon and the single player. However, after reducing Jill’s role so much in RE5, they felt it was unfair to cut her again. Says he knows 100% that Jill is still in the game as a main character, he’s just not sure where she stands from a gameplay perspective.
  •  Mentioned that if it is still co-op, he’s not sure how Capcom is designing it. Says it could be like RE5 and RE6, or like RE0 (where you could freely switch between them), or may just end up being two separate campaigns for each character.
  • Doesn’t know who the game’s supporting characters are, but suspects it’s most likely Barry for Jill and Ada for Leon.
  •  Says RE9 will not focus on Blue Umbrella, and likely not on the BSAA cliffhanger from the end of Village either. If the BSAA cliffhanger is addressed, it will only be a small part of the game.
  • Game will be third person, but he suspects that first person will be added later to the game. (Similar to The Evil Within 2).
  •  Thinks the enemies are zombies, but they’ll be faster and likely more aggressive since the slow, lumbering zombies wouldn’t be a threat to Jill or Leon anymore.


Other interesting information regarding the franchise as a whole.

  •  He said that the only characters who are safe from death are Chris, Jill, Leon, and Claire. Anybody else (including Barry, Rebecca, and even Ada) could all be killed off if the story calls for it. He suspects that could be part of the reason why Barry might appear in RE9. Due to his age, his window of being used is limited, so it’s possible Capcom may want to give him one final appearance before closing off his story.
  •  RE5 Remake was in pre-production, but was ultimately shelved (not cancelled) until Capcom can figure out how to handle the racism controversy.
  • Says that Capcom put out a call for a RE6 Remake, but nobody had any interest in the project, so it was cancelled and will likely never happen.
  •  Also mentioned that each team/director isn’t bound by the story or cliffhangers that came in the previous game. They can tell whatever story they want to and use the characters they want. This is why there are so many unresolved cliffhangers and characters that are introduced and never seen again.
  • Also said that seeing these newly introduced characters (like Sheva or Helena, he mentioned) are unlikely to ever make an appearance again.
  • He also says that he tries to be transparent with what he knows and doesn’t know in regard to leaking.
  • Here’s a link to the stream if anybody here is fluent in German and would be interested in watching it.

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