Mech combat action in the upcoming Switch title, Daemon X Machina

Exciting New Gameplay Footage Shows Off Heated Combat in Daemon X Machina

Brand new gameplay footage of Marvelous First Studio’s upcoming mech shooter, Daemon X Machina, has surfaced during this year’s Gamescom event. The new footage shows off plenty of in-game action of intense mech fights presented in the awe-struck visuals of the game’s design.

Check out some of the footage from Famitsu below, as well as some off-screen gameplay courtesy of Gamer Santai:

Famitsu footage from gamescom 2019

Gamer Santai off-screen footage from Gamescom 2019

Daemon X Machina is shaping up to be one of the must-have titles landing on the Switch this year alone. It’s a much-needed mech shooter action-adventure which looks like a perfect fit for the Nintendo hybrid console. Nintendo has already unveiled plenty of exciting trailers for the upcoming game, revealed plenty of gameplay footage and even showcased the game’s opening cut scene which introduces players to the universe found in Daemon X Machina.

Earlier this year, to show the developers dedication, a public demo was released for the game which allowed fans to provide feedback for the game. And as all good developers do, they took the criticism from fans and applied them various aspects of the game, making for a much more comfortable feeling of mech combat action. Some of the more notable changes issued to the gameplay include tight gyro aiming, an enemy lock-on feature, adding enemy health bars, and on-screen indicators for incoming enemy fire just to name a few.

Daemon X Machina joins a 2019 holiday line up on the Switch which includes other highly anticipated exclusive titles, such as Astral Chain, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Pokemon Sword/Shield and Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – a re imagining of the original Game Boy title.

Daemon X Machina is set to release on the Switch on September 13, 2019.

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