Fallout Suit

Fallout 76 – Fallout 1st Service Announced

At this point my friends, Bethesda has to know what they’re doing, have to know the type of product they’re putting out and how consumers are feeling about the game. All of this said Bethesda continues to poke the beast and test how far they can push gamers with the microtransactions and additional purchases. Now if we go all the way back to when Fallout 76 was first announced, Bethesda made a point to tell us that all microtransactions in the game would be cosmetic. If you’ve played Fallout 76 as of late though, you know for a fact that this is a straight-up lie as the Atomic Store now offers items that help directly in-game.

Bethesda didn’t stop there though, we actually reported last week that Bethesda has delayed and pushed back the Wastelanders DLC that was slated to release in November. This update was going to add NPCs to the game, a request that many players were asking for, before the game released almost a year ago. Bethesda still isn’t done yet, as yesterday they announced a brand new subscription service called Fallout 1st. Even in their blog post, Bethesda admits to Fallout 1st being a premium service. Which is another way of saying there are plenty of requested features hidden behind a paywall. With Fallout 1st you get access to private worlds, unlimited storage, a fast travel point, in-game currency and more. You can check out a quick summary of what they’re offering below.

This is unacceptable from Bethesda and I’m starting to question what in the world next-generation is going to look like for this company. Between in-game engine issues, pushing a broken game and pushing ridiculous purchases on top of it, I’m not sure how Bethesda intends to rebound from this. It seems with every single announcement they push their diehard fans further and further away. What do you think of Fallout 76 and Fallout 1st? Will you be partaking?

Let us know and make sure you Gaming Instincts on Facebook and Twitter.

Source: Bethesda

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