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Fallout 76 is Free to play Until October 26

Fallout 76

is now free-to-play as part of the celebration of the Bombs Drop Day, the day on which the world ended. The game will be free until October 26.

If you haven’t had the chance to jump into Fallout 76 yet, now is the best time! From now through October 26, you’ll be able to experience the entire game for free. This includes the base game experience, plus Wastelanders and Nuclear Winter.

New players can get the complete Fallout 76 experience, featuring the One Wasteland Update, which includes enemy level rebalancing, this will let you play with anyone, anywhere in the wasteland. There’s also a brand-new Daily Ops system, which rewards you just for playing and completing challenges.

Bethesda is also offering discounts on Fallout 76 and the in-game currency Atoms. Players who participate in the free-to-play timed trial can export save files to once the game is purchased.

There are sales for everyone during the Bombs Drop Day celebrations, whether you already own the game or haven’t picked it up yet! Get Fallout 76 at a discounted price from now through October 27. Here’s a full breakdown of the discounts:

  • Fallout 76 – 60% off the base price
  • Fallout 76 Wastelanders Deluxe Edition – 50% off the base price
  • Fallout 76 Raiders and Settlers Content Bundle– 40% off the base price
  • Fallout 76 Raiders Content Bundle – 40% off the base price
  • Fallout 76 Settlers Content Bundle – 40% off the base price
  • 500 Atoms – 20% off the base price
  • 1000 Atoms (+100 bonus Atoms) – 25% off the base price
  • 2000 Atoms (+400 bonus Atoms) – 30% off the base price
  • 4000 Atoms (+1000 bonus Atoms) – 35% off the base price

Bethesda also confirmed double S.C.O.R.E. and Double XP with the in-game event, players are also receiving 25% off Legendary weapons and armor from Purveyor Murmrgh at the Rusty Pick.

Players who log in between October 20 and October 26 will get a sample of a Fallout 1st membership, the ‘Fallout 1st Limited Preview’ item can be found in the Atomic Shop and features “some of the features offered with the membership.”

This trial will allow you to use the Scrapbox (which will need to be claimed separately through the Fallout 1st section of the Atomic Shop in order to build it in your C.A.M.P.) and Survival Tent. Just like for full Fallout 1st members, the Scrapbox will give you unlimited storage for your crafting components, and the Survival Tent operates as a placeable fast travel point with a Stash, Sleeping Bag, Scrapbox, Instrument and Cooking Station. (The Survival Tent will be located in your Favorites wheel after you activate your preview.)

If you pick up the Fallout 1st Limited Preview from the Atomic Shop, you’ll also get a couple of other goodies that Fallout 1st members have access to. This month’s free in-game items are the Mechanic’s Wallpaper and Mechanic’s Floor and Foundation. Like any scrap you place in the Scrapbox, these items will remain yours after the preview ends.

Source: Bethesda

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Guillermo Ortega

Published by
Guillermo Ortega