Fallout 76 suit

Fallout 76 – Wastelanders Delayed to Q1 2020


has had a rough go of it this entire console generation if we really want to be honest. Fallout 4 was decent at best, it almost seems like they’re leaning too heavily on Skyrim’s success at this point and let’s not forget the blunder that is Fallout 76. Announced at e3 last year criticisms of the game started immediately because it didn’t sound like the fanbase asked for it. The game released last November riddled with bugs crashes, and microtransactions, Fallout 76 immediately dropped in price. Bethesda continued on committing to fixing the game, but still adding DLC. The biggest complaint from Fallout fans was that 76 didn’t have the single-player experience the series was known for. Enter Wastelanders. This was Fallout 76’s big announcement at E3 back in June of this year. Wastelanders would be free DLC for all users, what piqued the interest of players was the fact that the game would be adding NPCs.

The DLC package was set to release sometime this Fall, but Bethesda has come and announced that the Wastelanders DLC will be pushed back to Q1 of 2020. Some apparently saw this coming, however, for a franchise that is on thin ice and needs to work itself back into the good graces of its players this is not what they need. Q1 means the DLC could be pushed all the back to the end of March and this is assuming it doesn’t get pushed back again. The press release also included more updates, including refinement of the economy and atom system of Fallout 76, Private Servers and more.

I’ve heard conflicting reports from people saying the game has smoothed out a bit and some who wouldn’t touch the game with a ten-foot pole. Where do you stand? Are you playing Fallout 76 currently and if so are you enjoying? Let us know and make sure to follow Gaming Instincts on Facebook and Twitter.

Source: Bethesda

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