
Fancy Bear Games Announces Schlocks

Fancy Bear Games Announces Schlocks

It was announced by Fancy Bear Games, Schlocks – over 100 micro party games to play with friends on the HTC Vive. Coming to Steam in Q2 of 2017, Schlocks will bring the party game experience to virtual reality.

Check out the Alpha trailer of Schlocks, featuring some Alpha gameplay footage:

“Grab your friends, grab your HTC Vive, and grab hold of yourself, dammit! Rush through 100+ hectic micro-games in the first ever competitive party game for VR. Each game in Schlocks is only 10 seconds long, so don’t get comfortable; you’ll need to stay on your toes as you bat beehives, hoist the mainsail, and make a dang good sandwich!

CEO Patrick Ryan says “We believe that playing VR games doesn’t need to be a solitary experience. By making a VR party game, our goal is to expose players to tons of ways they can move their body in VR, while also giving friends a good laugh at their expense”.

The game will initially launch in Steam Early Access, followed by continuous graphical and gameplay enhancements until the full release, which is expected within a month of early access launch. Price for Steam Early Access is expected at $15 USD.

About Schlocks

Schlocks, your favorite mini-games department store, understands you, the consumer. Every game at Schlocks is a whopping 10 seconds to try our product(s), and experience what everyone’s been talking about! Hop in, test a product in one of our patented Microscopic Games™, and then be suddenly whisked away to a new one; it’s an adventure unlike any other you’ve experienced at a department store! We’re so sure you’ll love shopping with us, that we can promise a consideration of the suggestion of a money back guarantee, or else! That’s the Schlocks-brand Commitment™ that you can count on.”

For more information on Schlocks, visit its official website.

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