Far Cry 5 New Update

Far Cry 5 Updated After New Dawn Seemingly Increases Player Count

It seems Ubisoft is rather pleased that New Dawn players were so enthralled by the story that they decided jump (back) into the original Hope County featured in last year’s Far Cry 5.

Revealed in a quick post on the Ubisoft forum states that player activity has increased since the release of the sequel spin-off, Far Cry: New Dawn. The recent release of New Dawn in February continued the story some 17 years after the events that ended Far Cry 5.

The new update doesn’t seem to be anything special in terms of content, but does include a few bug fixes and a few minor graphical enhancements.

New Dawn introduces players to a revised Hope County while including many faces from Far Cry 5’s main narrative. The increased player activity no doubt corresponds with players looking to dive back into the original events of Hope County, either upon finished New Dawn, or setting up the story in anticipation of firing up the standalone sequel.

The new update for Far Cry 5 is rather large with all three system version (PC, PS4, Xbox One) clocking in around 9GB.

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