Fils Aime

Reggie Fils-Aimé: E3 2021 Plans “Doesn’t Sound that Compelling”

Former Nintendo of America President, Reggie Fils-Aimé has stated that the plans of the ESA for E3 2021doesn’t sound that compelling;”, he warns the organizing committee that someone else could seize the event or the dates for their own.

Fils-Aimé pointed at Geoff Keighley’s Summer Game Fest of 2020, a digital event that was organized by Keighley due to his disagreement with the ESA and the E3 2020. Keighley clearly tried to replace the E3 but didn’t have the reception, or the impact he hoped for.

Fils-Aimé spoke with Danny Peña about the companies that would return to an event like the recently announced E3 2021. The current situation of the world forces developers to host digital events, the former Nintendo executive still has kind words for E3 affirming that the event celebrated and shared important events in the industry.

“I think that the platform holders need to find a way digitally to enable their fans- their players- to experience the content, because that’s the key for E3, right? The ability to be playing The Last of Us Part 3 for the first time, or to play that next Breath of the Wild game for the first time, or to play the next great game coming from the new amalgamation of all the Xbox studios. To play for the first time is what’s magical, and the platform holders need to figure out how to deliver that experience to their fans during an E3-like digital experience. I think that would be huge.

But what I’ve read, as I said, doesn’t go down that path, and if you don’t have all these different elements working together; the big announcements, the hands on, the opportunity in a well-defined time frame to have all these announcements. I think that’s what key to a successful E3 in the future. And candidly if the ESA doesn’t do it, then other people will.”


‘s warning might be a wake-up call for the ESA that is currently having the last chance to reinvent E3, the event has seen Sony, Electronic Arts, Nintendo, and Activision stepping away from the event in recent years.

Source: Gamertag Radio

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