FINAL FANTASY XIV Receives New PvP Mode and Blue Mage Content

Patch 5.15 for FINAL FANTASY XIV Online has been released by SQUARE ENIX, introducing a new PvP mode and the first major update for the Blue Mage.

Players can participate in the new content either solo or with friends.

SQUARE ENIX also provided specific details regarding the new patch, including:

  • “New PvP Frontline: Onsal Hakair (Danshig Naadam) – This new frontline map and ruleset teams up each of Eorzea’s grand companies with a tribe of Azim Steppe as they fight for control of territory in this grand demonstration of martial prowess. Each team will work to capture ‘Oovo,’ bases which earn a team points while under their control—the first team to accumulate the required points will be declared the winner.
  • Blue Mage Job Updates – FINAL FANTASY XIV Online’s first limited job receives its first major update following its introduction earlier this year.
    • Level Cap Increase from Level 50 to Level 60
    • New Blue Mage Job Quests
    • Learn New Iconic Blue Magic Spells
    • Introduction of the Blue Mage Log – Form a party of blue mages to conquer various dungeons and trials through teamwork and strategy using blue magic. Players can reap weekly rewards by defeating specific targets, including high-difficulty “prime targets” that provide even greater bounties.
  • New Mount, Minion, Crafting Recipes, Achievements, and More.”

Moreover, SQUARE ENIX invites new players to “download a free trial to access content up to level 35, create up to eight playable characters and experience the different playable races, classes, and jobs with no restrictions on playtime.”

FINAL FANTASY XIV Online: Shadowbringers is the third expansion for the game and was released in July 2019, receiving critical acclaim.

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