The latest expansion for Final Fantasy XIV ‘Shadowbringers’ has been announced today at Square Enix’s annual Final Fantasy XIV Fanfest with its teaser trailer, Shadowbringers will release for Windows, Mac, PS4 and Steam Square Enix said that more new information on Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers will be shared on February 2nd. Square Enix confirmed tht Windows 32-bit operating systems will not longer be supported, and new North America and European data centers will be opened.
Check the teaser trailer down below:
Square Enix has also announced the appearance of the Blue Mage, who is made available at Patch 4.5. the Blue Mage is the first “limited job” in Final Fantasy XIV, they are not connected with any class and only monster actions can be learned, the Blue Mage is Level capped at 50for now, it will increase in the future.
More details will be released tomorrow November 17 during Naoki Yoshida’s Letter from the Producer Live. Check below the Blue Mage reveal trailer:
“…towards the end of the keynote, Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda came out on stage wearing a blue cape and holding a staff.
Matsuda, overruling Yoshida’s decision to not name a new job, introduced a video announcing that the Blue Mage is coming to the game, but not in Shadowbringers. The Blue Mage job will be introduced in the game’s 4.5 update, far in advance. The Blue Mage will be a limited job, not connected to any other class. Players will learn monster actions through combat. When 4.5 launches, the Blue Mage will have a level cap of 50. Once Shadowbringers comes out, new patches will raise the Blue Mage’s level cap. The current cap for other jobs is 70, which is being increased to 80 in the expansion.
Other new features include nine new dungeons and a new series of end game raids. Crafters and gatherers will have the opportunity to come together and use their skills to rebuild the Holy See of Ishgard.
A feature akin to Final Fantasy XI’s Trust system will be added in Shadowbringers, allowing non-player character heroes to accompany players through dungeons. This will allow players to play through the story scenario of the expansion completely solo.”
Read the full article at – Kotaku.
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Announced on Twitter.
It will add the new “Dark Odyssey” armor.
In a recent press release.