Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV To Host a PS5 Open Beta on April 13

Square Enix confirmed today the PS5 Beta for its MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV just in time for the launch of the upcoming patch 5.5.

The Beta starts on April 13 and will be exclusive for players who own a Final Fantasy XIV license on PlayStation 4, the update will add support for native 4K resolution, lightning-fast loading times, greatly increased frame rates 3D audio, and haptic feedback.

Patch 5.5will take the Warrior of Light to Thavnair, the imperial capital of Garlemald, and even a trip to the Moon. A new Sage healer job was confirmed, as well as a new Arkasodara tribe, Pandæmonium raid, Anima boss, and much more.

The open beta test for the PlayStation5 Edition begins, bringing with it full 4K support, vastly improved loading times and framerates, and a better gameplay experience than ever before. Richer, more immersive adventures await─across Eorzea and beyond!

  • 1. On your PlayStation 5, sign in with the PlayStation Network account you are using to play the PlayStation 4 version.

  • 2. Visit PlayStation Store on your PlayStation 5 and navigate to the Final Fantasy XIV store page.

  • 3. On the store page, press the “…” button and select “Final Fantasy XIV PS5 Upgrade Edition (Beta Version)” to proceed with the download. A game disc is not required when using this download version.

  • 4. Once the download is complete, launch the PlayStation 5 version of Final Fantasy XIV from the game screen.

On the upcoming Endwalker expansion the Scions have finally discovered a cure for tempering, which should prove effective in allowing the Eorzean Alliance and the land’s beast tribes to settle their differences.

Prospects of peace may soon fall to ruin, however, as Fandaniel and the Telophoroi scheme to recreate the Final Days, and ominous towers rise in all corners of the realm. With the servants of chaos amassing at every turn, will the Scions uncover their plot before it is too late?

Stay tuned at Gaming Instincts via Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook for more gaming news.

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