Ubisoft announced during their E3 Press conference that their action-fighting game For Honor will be receiving an DLC update for the game called For Honor Marching Fire , stating that they are committed to the For Honor community and continuing with on-going updates for more content to the game.
The next update, Marching Fire, is For Honor’s biggest content drop yet, Marching Fire is packed with four new Heroes from a brand-new faction, a new 4v4 Breach mode, a new PvE mode that will be revealed closer to launch, and a ton of under the hood changes including a upgraded visual refresh, UI update and speech realization system.
Below is a trailer showcasing the newest content coming to For Honor:
This piece of DLC content is scheduled to be released on October 16 2018.
“A Brand New Faction
Marching Fire introduces an all-new faction into the fold. Four warriors from the Wu Lin faction have turned their back on their land and people, and have been branded as outcasts. “One of the consequences of the cataclysm in China is that it triggers hundreds of years of civil wars,” says Roman Campos-Oriola, creative director. “One faction is rising to the top: the Wu Lin faction. Some members of the Wu Lin had to leave China for various reasons.”
The Tiandi – Shidou and Ying
The youngest son of the great Emperor, Shidou was the most skilled fighter in his family, but sat fourth in line to the throne. Unwilling to settle for a life of servitude to his brothers, he killed each one of them in one dark, bloody night. Horrified by his own madness, Shidou fled the palace. Now, he prays for his own death in battle to atone for his sins. Unable to find worthy opponents in the Empire, he marches onward to the West in search of death.
The Jiang Jun – Guan Yu
Guan Yu was a simple peasant who stumbled into conflict and got a taste for war. As he rose up through the ranks, he began to amass a small army. During a battle against an enemy force that greatly outnumbered his own, the general stepped down from his horse with only his guandao polearm.
The Nuxia – Kaili
Kaili was a bodyguard trained as a dancer sworn to protect a powerful governor. When an army attacked the palace she protected, Kaili rallied nearby allies to help, but she was betrayed by those she trusted. After exercising her revenge on those who betrayed her, she shed her dancer’s robes and donned a warrior’s armor. With a bounty on her head, Kaili turned west, never to trust again, and hungry to engage every fight with a dancer’s grace and a killer’s precision.
The Shaolin – Wei Chang
Once a warrior monk who chose peace during the reckless civil war, Wei was forced to fight when one army brought the conflict to his monastery. While Wei and his monks fought back, the monastery was overwhelmed, and Wei was forced to watch as all his fellow monks were put to death. He would have met the same fate if not for a timely earthquake, which allowed him to escape. Wei vowed to honor his good fortune.
Into The Breach
Breach is a brand new asymmetrical 4v4 PvP mode that emphasizes strategy and communication just as much as mastery of combat. Teams are split into attackers and defenders during a full-blown fortress siege featuring a massive battering ram, siege weapons, and an army’s worth of NPC minions, pikemen, and archers. Each match is split into three phases, as the attacking team must escort the battering ram in order to breach the defending team’s outer wall and inner gate. Once the attackers have made it past those first two stages, they must defeat the defender’s Lord, an AI-controlled boss with a ton of health and capable of dealing massive AoE damage. Defeat him, and you’ll secure a victory for the attacking team. “
For more info visit the official website
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Announced on Twitter.
It will add the new “Dark Odyssey” armor.
In a recent press release.