Gearbox Executive Producer Leaves to Join Nintendo of America

Gearbox Executive Producer Leaves to Join Nintendo of America

Executive Producer of Borderlands 3, John Vignocchi, decided to join Nintendo of America, which is around three months away.

After working at Gearbox for seven months, Vignocci decided to use his experience overseeing the production of Borderlands 3 for good use to work with Ninendo. He’s following behind Doug Bowser who took over Rggie Fils-Aime’s position as President of Nintendo America.

Fils-Aime said in a statement for his retirement, “Nintendo owns a part of my heart forever. It’s a part that is filled with gratitude – for the incredible talented people I’ve worked with, for the opportunity to  represent such a wonderful brand, and most of all, to feel like a member of the world’s most wonderful brand, and most of all, to feel like a member fo the world’s most positive and enduring gamer community. As I look forward to departing in both good health and good humor, this is not ‘game over’ for me.”

Before joining Gearbox, Vignocchi was the executive producer of Disney Infinity, in which their their toy-to-game figure franshise grossed $500 million dollars when it first released in 2013. It’s unfortunate to know that the production of Disney Infinity’s toys and content ended in 2016. Well hopefully with Vignocchi’s experience with Disney Infinity will do well with producing for Nintendo, especially in their Amiibo department.

Reggie Fils-Aime’ knew that when he left Nintendo America it was in good hands.Well it would look to be true as has Doug Bowser doing a good job as Nintendo of America’s President, and John Vignocchi joining the company with his producer experience and family friendly attitude along with him.

As Nintendo of America grows, it would seem that the people joining will help the company grow even larger.

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