Character shooting something in Borderlands 3

Gearbox Gives A Sneak Peak at Borderlands 3 Planet, Athenas

Gearbox Software is currently hitting Borderlands fans with one reveal after another for the upcoming long-awaited sequel, Borderlands 3. The latest reveal comes from the ongoing Planetary Profile video series which gives viewers a detailed look at some of the new worlds to explore within the violent universe of Borderlands outside of Pandora.

Check out the latest Planetary Profile video showcasing the mostly uninhabited planet, Athenas, below:

Along with a look at Athenas, Gearbox has also shown off all four new Vault Hunters for the the game – Moze, Zane, FL4K and Amara. There’s also been confirmation that the adventure through Borderlands 3 won’t end after the initial credits roll as four post-launch DLC campaigns will be detailed at this year’s upcoming Gamescom and PAX West events.

Borderlands 3 is set to release on September 13, 2019 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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