Halo, Gears and Forza are three of the best Xbox exclusives that always premiered with top quality contents during their whole history. All of these franchises were present at E3 2018, boasting their new entries to the fans all over the world with breath-taking teasers and trailers. Forza Horizon 4 released 6 months ago, winning The Best Sport/Racing Game and nominated for The Best Game at The Game Awards 2018. While Halo: Infinite has no exact release date and the community is guessing to see it at launch of next-gen consoles, it seems the time has come for The Coalition and its upcoming Gears 5 to hit the stores as the next critically acclaimed exclusive title of Xbox One.
The studio behind two latest titles of Gears of War, today officially announced that there is not going to be any new content for Gears 4 as of today. The developer says:
The time has come to say goodbye to new Customization Content and Gear Packs in Gears 4 as the team shifts their full focus into making Gears 5 the best game possible.
With the main focus of the development team coming into Gears 5, we can hope to see the completion of the process, sooner than before. Although the game has not received a release date yet, it’s not surprising to see the dropping point being set closer to a period same as FH4’s launch day back in 2018.
Gears 5 will be available for both Xbox One and PC through Xbox Game Pass subscription and we expect to hear more about the game at E3 2019.
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Announced on Twitter.