Kate from Gears 5

Gears 5 Map Builder for Escape Mode Detailed in a New Trailer

Microsoft’s second big launch in 2019, after Crackdown 3, will hit the stores earlier next month. Most of the gamers all around the world are hoping to see the start of a new era for Xbox with the release of Gears 5. A few days ago, the game has officially gone gold and today we received a new trailer explaining the Map Builder feature in Escape mode.

In Escape mode, three players are tasked to survive in an indoor map until they reach the exit room. Map Builder will allow you to design your own maps and share it with other players. But what have been prepared for us to create a map? The answer is here:

According to the trailer, maps are actually formed up by different pre-made rooms and corridors. You will have full control on putting these parts along each other and shaping up your creative map. Depending on how lengthy your map is, the game will divide it into multiple Acts.

Furthermore, you have the ability to choose how many enemies should appear in each room, while selecting their types. The player could also adjust the speed level for the spread of Venom in the mode. Types of weapons and amount of ammo available in each part of the map are also adjustable. Within the process of map design, you can take a look at it by choosing the camera and marveling at the path you’ve created.

Gears 5 is set to be released on September 10 for PC and Xbox One. It will be available through Xbox Game Pass on both platforms. Wait for the official announcement of the campaign mode for the game on August 19 at Opening Night Live show.

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