Gears 5

Gears 5 Will Feature “Something” That No Gears of War Game Has Had Before

If you want to name top 5 long-running Xbox exclusive series, definitely Gears of War is one of your choices and there is no doubt that Gears of War 4 stands shoulder to shoulder with best hits of Xbox One during current generation. The Coalition is officially behind the franchise as of developing of the last title and Gears 5 is going to be their second experience on the series, if we don’t count Gears of War: Ultimate Edition. While the studio don’t want to get away from origins the series, it’s in search of carving The Coalition’s own unique sign on the franchise with creating some special features that players have never experienced something alike in previous titles, but what are those features, still remain as a mystery.

According to a post by Rod Fergusson on Instagram, Head of The Coalition were “getting to do something” that he has “never had the chance to do on a Gears of War game before.” While it’s not clear what does he mean with this mysterious post, Fergusson shared a strange image along with the post that maybe needs to be decrypted by professional gamers and easter egg hunters. Here you can check out the post:

Gears 5 is one of the most anticipated games of Microsoft along with Halo: Infinite, that would create a great line-up for Xbox One on the edge of new generation of consoles. The Coalition has stopped developing new contents for Gears of War 4 to fully focus on Gears 5 and make it ready as soon as possible.

Gaming Instincts will keep you update on Gears 5 and other Xbox exclusives. Share your ideas with us through comments and don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel.

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