Gears of War 4

Gears of War 4 and Forza Motorsport 6 Are Forming Up Games with Gold for August

Another month ended and another one is about to begin. The same goes for Microsoft’s Games with Gold. Previous month’s titles are gone and new ones will be replaced soon. For August, there are plenty of surprising titles to download and play for Xbox Live Gold subscribers. Two Xbox exclusive games from the current generation along with two critically acclaimed games from the last generation. Let’s start with Gears of War 4.

As of tomorrow, all Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be able to play Gears of War 4 until the end of August. It’s a great opportunity for those who haven’t played the previous game in the series to experience The Coalition’s first Gears of War and then jump into Gears 5 on September 10.

Along with Gears of War 4, Torchlight, from the last generation, will also be available as of tomorrow until August 15. The game is set in the role-playing genre with an isometric point of view. It was originally released in 2009.

Now, it’s time to jump into the middle of August, when Forza Motorsport 6 and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will be available, with the former until September 15 and the latter until the end of August.

You can buy Xbox Live Gold subscription separately or get it as part of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Gears of War 4 and Forza Motorsport 6 both are included in Xbox Game Pass.

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