Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Update 3.2 Launches November 2

miHoYo announced that the 3.2 “Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises” update for Genshin Impact will launch on November 2. The update will include Nahida and Layla as playable characters, the new “Fabulous Fungus Frenzy,” and “Adventurer’s Trials” events, the long-awaited “Replication System,” new gameplay improvements, and more. A new trailer was also released. Genshin Impact is available now for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, iOS, and Android.

The update’s details via miHoYo can be seen below:

With the latest update, Sumeru’s main storyline will culminate in a climax before coming to a grand finale, and more local allies, including Nahida and Layla, will be ready to join as playable characters. Meanwhile, more formidable opponents and fun events, including one to catch and train Fungi, will further enrich players’ adventures in the fantasy world of Teyvat.

Meanwhile, Nahida, also known as the current Dendro Archon, has been the Traveler’s reliable ally throughout the main storyline, and she will become one of the playable characters soon with another Sumeru character Layla. Nahida will join the cast as a five-star Dendro catalyst, and she can cast a unique viewfinder-ish skill by holding her Elemental Skill to mark, link, and deal additional Dendro damage to opponents. Her power can be further enhanced if she teams up with Pyro, Electro, or Hydro characters. Layla is an Akademiya student in Astrology who can sleepwalk to reveal her true power. In combat, she wields a sword and the power of Cryo, and she can provide both shielding and Cryo damage for the team. Nahida and Yoimiya’s rerun will be featured in the early part of Version 3.2’s Event Wishes, and we will see Layla’s debut in both Yae Miko and Tartaglia’s reruns in the latter half.

New events and gameplay also await, including “Fabulous Fungus Frenzy,” a fungus competition in which participants can catch and train Fungi to battle in different challenges. Another event, “Adventurer’s Trials,” has prepared some tricky trials that can be completed with our trial characters, such as knocking Slimes into the Vine Goal by triggering an Overloaded reaction with Yanfei’s and Klee’s attacks. In addition, the new Dendro Hypostasis will complete the puzzle of the Hypostasis family, serving as a new open-world boss and a part of the challenge “Hypostatic Symphony.”

More improvements will be implemented to improve the current gaming experience. The long-awaited “Replication System” will be introduced to the Serenitea Pot system so players can share their realm designs or implement others’ in their Teapot. Furthermore, Italian and Turkish languages will be available in the Game Language settings starting from Version 3.3.

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