Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Gets New Gameplay Trailer Showcasing Different Weapons

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint has received a bunch of story and gameplay trailers so far and still more is to come at Ubisoft’s E3 2019 press conference. For now, take a look at new footage from gameplay hosted by IGN that several brief scenes of a battle between Ghost and Wolves which we might see the full version at the upcoming event.

The new trailer reminds us of what Ghost Recon series are meant to deliver for players. A tactical co-op based third person shooters that takes place in a fictional island full of terrorists and modern robots that are ready to hunt you before getting hunted. Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is promised to take the series in delivering a more realistic experience of co-operative missions in which timing and organized partnership will be a key feature in succeeding through operations.

The new gameplay footage for Breakpoint, shows-off an attack from Ghosts to a camp of enemies and tries to give you a glimpse of the game’s shooting mechanics along with different types of weapons that will be available for your load-out. Here you can check out the trailer:

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint features Jon Bernthal as the main antagonist of the game, who also appeared at the latest post-launch content for Ghost Recon: Wildlands. In the new installments, he has conquered Aurora with Wolves as the main military base for his international terrorizing actions. As a Ghost, you are tasked to infiltrate into camps of Wolves and take down their key-people along with sabotaging the enemy’s high-tech equipment.

Breakpoint will be available on October 4 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. No Epic Games Store exclusivity has been announced yet, but regarding Ubisoft’s previous launches, Breakpoint will seemingly come to EGS as an exclusive title.

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