God of War Sequel Sony Remedy Unite More

God of War Sequel, Sony and Remedy Unite + More – Primal Newscast #11

Welcome to The Primal Newscast where Gaming Instincts goes over the hottest and most interesting news of the week that took place in the gaming industry.


Dying Light 2 Post-Launch Content

Techland has confirmed a rather extensive roadmap for Dying Light 2 on current gen consoles. While the new title isn’t expected to release until spring of 2020, that won’t stop the developers from opting out of the current gen of consoles for future updates and DLC in order to focus on next gen. Dying Light 2 will receive plenty of support throughout the years for the original consoles it will release on – the PS4 and Xbox One.

New Guest Characters Leaked for Mortal Kombat 11

Several leaks have appeared for Mortal Kombat 11 providing fans a glimpse at the two currently unannounced fighters making their way over to the new brutal brawler in the form of guest fighters. We’ve already received confirmation that the first Kombat Fighter Pass will include Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, Sindel and Spawn, but the latest leak shows both Ash Williams from The Evil Dead and Terminator may be the two additional guest characters to round out the six-character season pass. The first fighter, Shang Tsung is currently available for Mortal Kombat 11, with the next fighters arriving later down the line.

Cyberpunk 2077 Details

After the reveal of Keanu Reeves and an official release date for Cyberpunk 2077 during E3, a flurry of new details have appeared for the game. The Cyberpunk 2077’s world will feature an explorable map outside of Night City known as the Badlands which is overrun by the less-societal faction, the Nomads. Fans also learned that the ending to the main Cyberpunk 2077 story – as it’s been confirmed that there are numerous endings – will be “very rewarding” and future expansions are on the table to continue the adventure within the Cyberpunk universe. Cyberpunk 2077 is set to release on April 16, 2020 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne PS4 Beta

Capcom has announced a beta stage for the upcoming Monster Hunter World expansion, Iceborne. PS Plus members are eligible to hop into the beta starting yesterday, June 21 and will last until June 24 while non-members will be able to test out the expansion starting on June 28 and will run through July 1. The beta will be available for players even if they don’t own the base Monster Hunter World title. The beta will feature three separate quests taking hunters through a variety of difficulties and even showing off some new monsters. Iceborne is set to release on September 6, 2019 for the PS4 and Xbox One while the PC version is set to release this coming winter.

God of War Devs Hiring For Presumed Sequel

After the monumental success of 2018’s God of War title, it’s been assumed that Sony Santa Monica is underway with the sequel for the soft-reboot. To add a bit of fuel to the fire, it seems a few job listings have popped up out of the company looking for people with “knowledge of God of War” along with a few other positions listed, including narrative implementation, combat design and facial character artists with “next-gen game platform experience” which no doubt leaves us to believe we won’t be seeing the sequel for a few years out. However, it is exciting to know the future project is (more than likely) underway.

Microsoft May Be Sticking to One Next-Gen Console

While rumors have floated about since next-gen conversations began, it’s been rumored that Microsoft had been gearing up for a reveal of to next-gen consoles – Anaconda and Lockhart. With the Project Scarlett reveal during Microsoft’s E3 conference showing only one console, it left many fans curious as to if the company still planned on releasing numerous SKUs for next-gen. A recent tweet form Microsoft insider Klobrille surfaced recently saying it’s very possible Microsoft has put that plan “on hold” with Scarlett only appearing to be one powerful next-gen console. However, it’s also been stated that with the new console set for release during the holiday of 2020, a lot could change within the next year and a half.

Psychonauts 2 Delayed Into 2020

Publisher Microsoft and newly acquired studio Double Fine Productions has announced that the upcoming anticipated sequel, Psychonauts 2, has been stripped of its 2019 release window and pushed into 2020. The companies never stated any reasoning behind the delay, but could have something to do with previous publisher Starbreeze Studios dropping the title, or perhaps the game just needs more time to cook. Stay tuned for more details on Psychonauts 2 as they’re announced.

Rumor: Sony Could Be Eyeing Remedy Acquisition

With Remedy entertainment’s upcoming Control release set for this August, a rumor has started swirling around involving Sony Worldwide Studios potentially acquiring Remedy Entertainment. The rumors started after Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida tweeted about a recent visit to Remedy’s headquarters in Finland to try out Control. While the visit could merely be pertaining to the partnership Remedy has with Sony which will bring over PS4 exclusive content to Control, it might also mean that the two companies might be planning a larger collaboration which could make Remedy a Sony first-party studio. While this is only a rumor for now, stay tuned for more information on the possible partnership if/when more details arise.

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