Gravity Rush 2 Delayed to January 18 in Europe and January 20 in North America

Gravity Rush 2 Delayed to January 18 in Europe and January 20 in North America

Despite production “proceeding smoothly,” Sony Interactive Entertainment announced today that Gravity Rush 2 for PlayStation 4 has been delayed to January 18, 2017 in Europe and January 20, 2017 in North America.

Director Keiichiro Toyama explain:

In July, we announced a release date for Gravity Rush 2 that we felt most appropriate for the title. Since then, though production is proceeding smoothly, the landscape for that release date has changed dramatically.

Gravity Rush 2 is the conclusion of Kat’s journey, so we want players to have enough time to dive deep into her story. In addition, as a lot of work went into online features that allow for asynchronous player interaction, we want as many people as possible playing the title at the same time. Thus, after careful deliberation, we have decided to change the release date. Gravity Rush 2 will now launch on January 20, 2017.

The game will launch exclusively on PlayStation 4 on January 20th in North America and a few days earlier, on January 18th in Europe.

“I would like to apologize to all those players anxiously awaiting Gravity Rush 2. Thus, after careful deliberation, we have made a decision to change the release date. This is likely referring to both Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian being delayed to just days before and after Gravity Rush 2’s original release date. Toyama goes on to say that they want to release the title at the best possible time, and thanks players for having patience. We will continue to have coverage of Gravity Rush 2 in the lead-up to its January 2017 release. This content will feature additional story beats not included in the standard Gravity Rush 2 release.”

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