Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite Beta Drawing Closer

When it comes to first-person shooters, there is no more time-honored tradition than the multiplayer beta release. Since most of these games bank heavily on their multiplayer to be the driving force of the game post-launch, both getting players invested in the multiplayer and getting community feedback so that it can launch in the best shape are necessities. While there is no release date on Halo Infinite, we know that with a launch this year we can expect its beta soon.

This time around Halo is opting for a different version of the usual multiplayer. While we can expect it to play how players have come to expect, it will be going free to play. Drawing from the model Fortnite has used the multiplayer will invest more in cosmetic-themed battle passes to turn a profit. On top of that, 343 Industries have stated they have a 10-year plan for the game, though how they intend this has yet to be seen.

With all this planned for the game, the need for a beta is even greater than usual. This will be the first opportunity for gamers to see the game, so while this will most likely not highlight the free-to-play elements, it offers a chance to really invest players to take this journey with them.

Currently, there is no time frame for this beta, but thanks to 343’s Community Manager Brian Jarrard, we know we should be expecting it soon. Recently he took to Twitter to say a few things about the beta.

The tweet was mostly a reminder to sign up for the Halo Insider program. This gives you news and updates about the upcoming beta, allowing you to be one of the first to know when it goes live. The list you will be signing up for is also the list that will be mailed with beta invites once it does go live.

Halo Infinite is currently slated for a Holiday 2021 release.

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