Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite Co-Op and Forge Modes Delayed

Over this past week, players have started familiarizing themselves with the Halo Infinite free-to-play multiplayer, which has received an early release in the form of a Beta that will run right into the official release on December 8. Along with this beta, players have begun progressing along with season one of the game’s battle pass, entitled Heroes of Reach.

Earlier this year it was announced that in order for the game to make its planned Holiday 2021 window two modes needed to be cut. These modes were the popular Co-Op mode for the single-player campaign and the user creation Forge Mode. When released, the first season was announced as being extended till May 2022 which left in the air when we could expect these modes, as the original estimates places co-op releasing with Season 2 which would release around third months after the first started, with forge and the third season being similar.

343 Industries has officially confirmed that this is still the plan, but the extension of season one means that season two has been delayed as well. This means that we will not see Single-Player co-op till at least May, with forge mode potentially not releasing till late 2022.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Head of Creative at 343 Industries, Joseph Staten stated:

At the time that we talked about campaign co-op and Forge I said our goal is to ship campaign co-op in Season 2 and our goal is to ship Forge with Season 3. Yes, we are extending Season 1. So our goal still remains what I said before, which is to ship campaign co-op with Season 2 and Forge with Season 3. But those remain goals. Those remain targets. And we can’t commit to any hard dates right now, because as we’re seeing with this multiplayer beta, other things might move up in the priority stack for us.

Ironically, the progression issues that players have had with the Battle Pass which 343 is looking into, might contribute to the modes being delayed further. Staten Stated:

If it turns out that our progression system just isn’t working the way that we intended, if we need to move some of these bigger rocks sooner, then we as a team will make those decisions and will clearly communicate to our fans why we’re why we’re doing certain things.

Those who were looking forward to running the single-player campaign with a friend will need to wait a little longer to do so. That being said, Staten pointed to the two modes, assuring fans that the delivery of both modes are “really big promises that we’ve made that we need to make good on.”

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