The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man from is out now on Steam

The Hanged Man from is out now on Steam

PLAYISM is proud to announce that the cult hit The Strange Man series from Uri Games has just released its final game on Steam and Playism. Following the thrilling releases of The Crooked Man, The Sand Man and The Boogie Man, The Hanged Man is now available, completing The Strange Man Series!

The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man from “The Strange Man” Series developed by Uri Games is a cult hit amongst RPG Horror games, and has now made its debut onto Playism and Steam.

In The Hanged Man, you play as William Morton, a young boy wandering around a town in the snow. As he wanders to and fro, he takes cover in an abandoned building with his best buddy, a mouse named Pop.

Although he hopes to leave the building soon, Pop disappears into the building, leaving William alone. William must now gather his courage and head further into the building, seeking out his only friend.

What secrets lie hidden within?


  • 2D horror-adventure featuring exploration and action elements.
  • Wide range of hardcore expressions of violence.
  • Multiple Endings.
  • The final entry in a series of fantastic 2D horror games, out now on Playism and Steam.

Check out the Trailer:

“You’re a demon child.
Someday, you’ll be burning in hell for your sins.”

This is the fourth and final title in the Strange Man series, developed by Uri Games.
Will was running away from home with his mouse buddy Pop, until the two of them wandered into a ruin. What secrets lie hidden within?

The Steam version features special additions such as achievements and multi-language localization.
Further installments in the series, entitled The Crooked Man, The Boogie Man, and The Hanged Man are also scheduled to be released on Steam in the near future.

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