Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm Will No Longer Receive New Content

Blizzard Entertainment recently published a post via its official website announcing that the free-to-play MOBA Heroes of the Storm will not be receiving any new content and will instead only receive support in a similar manner to the publisher’s other longstanding games such as StarCraft and StarCraft II. However, according to Blizzard, the game will still continue to receive seasonal rolls, hero rotations, bug fixing, and balance updates as needed.The full announcement via Blizzard can be seen below:

This June marks the seven-year anniversary of Heroes of the Storm. Combining legendary characters from all of our universes, it naturally brought players together into a truly unique experience. Heroes and its community are home to some of the most passionate gamers from around the world and we’re committed to making sure that you can continue to enjoy your adventures through the Nexus.  

Moving forward we will support Heroes in a manner similar to our other longstanding games, StarCraft and StarCraft II. In the future, we’ll continue seasonal rolls and hero rotations, and while the in-game shop will remain operational there are no plans for new for-purchase content to be added. Future patches will primarily focus on client sustainability and bug fixing, with balance updates coming as needed.

As a token of our appreciation, we are gifting the incredibly rare Epic Arcane Lizard mount to all players with next week’s patch.

To our Heroes community, we say, “thank you”. You continue to be one of our most passionate communities, we’re grateful for your continued dedication and support, and as always, we look forward to seeing you in the Nexus.

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