Heroes of the Storm: New DLC Character Revealed

Heroes of the Storm: New DLC Character Revealed

Blizzard unveiled today the warlord Zul’jin for its game Heroes of the Storm. The developer announced today that Zul’jin is coming to the game in early January 2017.

According to Blizzard Zul’jin is a troll who can throw an axe “murderously fast,” he also becomes more dangerous the more damage he takes on. Blizzard announced Zul’jin for Heroes of the Storm and provided an overview of his abilities during a Facebook live stream.

Check this video down below:

“In other Blizzard news, the developer today teased the content coming to Overwatch in 2017, including new heroes, maps, modes, and more.

Zul’jin Traits and Abilities:


Berserker: Activate to increase Basic Attack damage by 25% but consume 2% of your maximum Health per attack.
Passive: Zul’jin attacks 1% faster for every 1% of maximum Health missing.

Basic Abilities:

Grievous Throw (Q): Zul’jin throws an axe forward, dealing damage to the first 2 enemies hit and marking them for 8 seconds. Marked enemies take 50% bonus damage from Zul’jin’s next 3 Basic Attacks against them.

Twin Cleave (W): Throw 2 axes in a large circular arc, dealing damage and slowing affected enemies by 15% per axe for 2 seconds.

Regeneration (E): Channel Zul’jin channels to regenerate 25% of his maximum Health over 4 seconds. Moving or taking damage while channeling will interrupt this effect.”

For more information about Zul’jin abilities, check the source.

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