Publisher Arc Games and developer Heart Machine released a new trailer and details for the upcoming roguelite Hyper Light Breaker. The trailer shows off all the Breakers players can play as, along with the Crowns (bosses) players will face in the game. The game includes “three unique Breakers (Vermillion, Lapis and Goro) to choose from and two challenging Crowns (Dro and Exus) to go up against.” Hyper Light Breaker will launch on January 14 in Early Access for PC via Steam.
The full details:
New Trailer: “Early Access Breakers & Crowns Reveal”
Following a series of short Breaker reveal trailers that showed off each Breaker (playable character) who will be available when Hyper Light Breaker launches in Early Access, a full-length trailer has been revealed that shows all the Breakers players can play as, along with the Crowns (bosses) players will face in action when players jump into the game at Early Access launch.
Those who jump in when the game enters Early Access will find there are three unique Breakers (Vermillion, Lapis and Goro) to choose from and two challenging Crowns (Dro and Exus) to go up against. Most notably, players will discover each Breaker has their own distinct Sycoms (little robot companions, which are reminiscent of the ones you’d find in Hyper Light Drifter!) which serve as the foundation of a Breaker’s build and provide specific buffs and stat modifications.
That said, players are able to customize their loadout any way they’d like for each Breaker. No matter what loadout players have, expect for the Crowns, Dro, and Exus, to put up a fight. Rumor has it, the full fights against each Crown will be revealed tomorrow, January 10… stay tuned!
The Bundle on Steam, Including Hyper Light Drifter for Free*, To Be Available from January 14 – January 28
To give players a chance to get the full Hyper Light experience, Heart Machine and Arc Games will be offering a Hyper Light Breaker Bundle available from January 14 (when Hyper Light Breaker launches in Early Access) until January 28.
The bundle will be available for $29.99 and will give players a free digital Steam copy of Hyper Light Drifter for free if they don’t already own Hyper Light Drifter via Steam.
Those who purchase the bundle will be able to experience the beloved 2D action adventure RPG, Hyper Light Drifter, and explore the Hyper Light universe in a whole new way with the open world rogue-lite Hyper Light Breaker that takes place decades before the events of Drifter!
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