
Id Software was “Crunching” Says Doom Eternal ‘s Dev

Doom Eternal ‘s executive producer, Marty Stratton has recently said that Id Software was “Crunching pretty hard most of last year” this was reveal while speaking with VG247.

Marty Stratton explains that id Software’s development team were working at long hours prior the delay of Doom Eternal, a delay was necessary in order to reach the level of quality desired for both id and fans.

“I say it’s the best game we’ve ever made. I don’t think I’d say that if we didn’t have that extra time,” Stratton said.“The game was done, we haven’t added anything but what [the delay] allowed us to do was fix a tonne more bugs.

“We were crunching pretty hard most of last year. It goes in phases,”

“We’ll have one group of people crunching so the next group of people are teed up properly. As they get done, they may need to crunch a little bit.

“We really truly do try and be very respectful of peoples’ time and lives. We have very dedicated people that just choose to work a lot in many cases. It was nice because we want the game to be perfect. We want it to live up to our expectations and consumer expectations.”

DOOM Eternal

was planned to be released on 2019, but the team at id Software decided that, after a successful return to the iconic franchise the next goal would be to deliver a game that exceed even the greatest expectations. A delay took place, the game is now releasing on March 20, 2020.

DOOM Eternal will feature ‘Invasion Mode’, this an online multiplayer mode that will let players invade other players as a demon. This mode is confirmed to be a free downloadable content and will release shortly after launch.

Other additions are extra lives, explained by executive producer Marty Stratton the “Checkpoint system” will avoid players to go all the way back to the checkpoint and encounter the same demons they’ve already beaten. Other good explanation is that, if a skilled player invades a other player, it can be quite frustrating. This extra live “kicks in” and players “will be invulnerable for a little bit”. Players will be able to keep fighting right back where they left off.

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Guillermo Ortega

Published by
Guillermo Ortega

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