Ivalice comes to Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood October 10

Ivalice comes to Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood October 10

Sweeping views of Rabanastre and powerful new foes await adventurers in the latest update for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. Patch 4.1, entitled “The Legend Returns,” is the first major update to Stormblood and continues the exhilarating main scenario questline following the liberation of Ala Mhigo.

Adventurers will also be able to challenge a fearsome new Shinryu trial—The Minstrel’s Ballad: Shinryu’s Domain—and tackle the even more demanding “Ultimate” battle series with the debut of The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate).

The Legend Returns will also mark the beginning of the highly anticipated “Return to Ivalice” alliance raid series, which will take players to the ruins of the city of Rabanastre. During the recent Letter from the Producer LIVE broadcast, Yoshida revealed in-game model of the “Return to Ivalice” monster designed by guest creator Keita Amemiya—the creator of the Garo television and film series, from which the Patch 3.5 PvP gear, weapons, and mount designs originated.

The live stream also featured a first look at new in-game areas and additional details on content to be included in the first major update since the launch of Stormblood, the title’s second expansion.

  • Adventurer Squadrons – Players can explore a number of dungeons with a party of three squadron members, issuing commands to their companions to help lead them to victory.
  • New Housing Area: “Shirogane” – Whether players are looking to purchase their first estate, or they are a current estate owner planning to utilize the new relocation feature, adventurers are eagerly looking forward to moving into this new Far Eastern themed housing area.
  • New PvP Mode: Rival Wings – Two teams of 24 players will go head to head in this new PvP mode in which they will attempt to assault and destroy the opposing team’s tower. Players will also be able to pilot goblin creations such as Oppressor and Cruise Chaser to engage the opposing team in fierce combat.
  • Battle Adjustments – Yoshida touched on a sampling of changes and adjustments to job actions.
  • System Enhancements – The introduction of a cross-world Friends list and /tell communication, updates to HUD customization, job gauge displays, cross-world alliances and custom PvP matches, and Party Finder adjustments provide players with an even more personalized gameplay experience.
  • “Perform” – Bards can now create their own songs through new hotbar actions that play musical notes.

Additionally, the return of the exciting collaboration between Final Fantasy XIV and Level-5’s Yo-kai Watch is underway. Through November 1, players will once again be able to collect Yo-kai themed weapons, minions, and mounts.

Check out the Trailer:

“On the forgotten fringes of the Dravanian Hinterlands, there lie the remnants of a Sharlayan testing site known as Astragalos. With their boundless ingenuity, the goblins of Idyllshire have transformed the place into an expansive training ground. Here, brave adventurers can take control of mighty machines in large-scale war games reminiscent of battles against the Garlean Empire. A furious struggle for territorial supremacy awaits!”

More info at – Source

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