Guerrilla Games Job Listing Hints at Killzone

Job Listing For Guerrilla Games Hints At Multiplayer Game, Possibly New Killzone

It seems a job listing is open for a new position at Guerrilla Games and requires the applicant to have knowledge of various online gaming architecture and other multiplayer systems that points towards an upcoming online game.

Guerrilla Games is most recently known for their latest new IP, Horizon Zero Dawn, though they saw tremendous success and acquired a dedicated following due to their first-person shooter series, Killzone. Fans haven’t seen a new Killzone title since the start of the current console generation, and many seem to think the growing studio will release one in between Horizon entries.

Earlier today we were treated to a leak about a Horizon Zero Dawn sequel already in development, and as of right now, we’re not aware of an online multiplayer feature as the original was a single player focused title. However, this doesn’t mean Guerrilla won’t somehow include multiplayer in the sequel.

What makes more sense, however, is to bring a new Killzone entry to the table before the next Horizon title, in turn allowing Guerrilla to rotate their two big franchises. The job listing not only calls for knowledge of matchmaking, tournaments, clans and leaderboards, but also links potential applicants to a Killzone Shadow Fall server architecture page.

While all of this certainly could be used as mere examples, the Killzone series is due for a new entry – and we can only assume Guerrilla feels the same way. You can view the official job listing here.

Stay tuned for more possible details on what Guerrilla Games is currently working on, and the open position they seem to be hiring for.

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Source: SegmentNext

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