Games With Gold June Line Up Announced

June’s Game With Gold Xbox Line-Up Announced

Another month and another slew of free games for Xbox One/360 players. Microsoft has officially revealed the new games headed to the program for the month of June which showcases some classic titles and a newer title for sports fans looking to hit the rink.

The Xbox One only titles heading over to Games With Gold is the latest in the NHL series, NHL 19 which will be available for the entire month of June. Next is the 2017 fighting game, Rivals of Aether, which will become available for download on June 16 and will last until July 15.

And on the last gen console, Xbox 360 owners will be able to get their hands on the classic Valve title Portal along with Earth Defense Force 2017 with both titles also available to play on the Xbox One. Portal will be available for download from June 1-15 while EDF 2017 will go live in the latter half of the month, June 16-31, 2019.

For the other side of the console war, PlayStation has also announced their June PS Plus free game line-up which features two exciting – but overly different – titles in Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection and the retro revival of the Blue Blur, Sonic Mania.

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