DB FighterZ Kid Goku Trailer

Kid Goku (GT) Receives First Gameplay Trailer For Dragon Ball FighterZ

With the second FighterZ Pass underway for Arc System Works’ Dragon Ball FighterZ, the newest fighter entering the ring is incoming. Kid Goku (GT) has been announced recently, but today we received the first trailer for the micro saiyan, showing off his powerful skills and dangerous transformation.

Check out the new trailer for Kid Goku (GT) below:

“After an errant wish by Emperor Pilaf, Goku has been transformed into a child during the Dragon Ball GT series. This younger Goku packs a big punch with special attacks like the Super Kamehameha attack, transforming him into Super Saiyan 3. Goku is also able to use his Super Spirit Bomb, Power Pole, and Reverse Kamehameha to flatten the competition.” – Bandai Namco

Kid Goku (GT) is set to release for Dragon Ball FighterZ on May 9, 2019. He’s the third fighter to join the second season’s FighterZ Pass, along with Videl and Jiren. Three more fighters are due out for the pass, including SSGSS Gogeta, the Dragon Ball Super variant of Broly, and one last fighter who has yet to be revealed.

Dragon Ball FighterZ is available for the PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch.

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