The Last of Us Part II

E3 2018: The Last of US Part II Gameplay Trailer Revealed

E3 2018: The Last of US Part II Gameplay Trailer Revealed

Sony Kickstarted their E3 Press conference showing a glimpse of what the gameplay of The Last of US Part II looks like, and they certainly delivered; The trailer showed Ellie having a romantic affair with an unidentified character that acts as her girlfriend, and while they both share a dance while hugging and kissing each other, that romantic scene quickly switches to a gritty gameplay of Ellie trying to survive an ambush of other survivors trying to rip her to shreds.

The presentation of the trailer is nothing short of spectacular, the visuals are completely top notch, typical of Naughty Dog’s games, unmatched attention to detail, and dynamic animations that showcase characters interacting more believably with the environment.

To feast your eyes with this amazing trailer, please check it out:

As you can see, the game is shaping up very nicely, it showcases a huge upgrade to the stealth mechanics melee and gunplay from the previous game, and coupled with a incredibly smart AI, this game is bound to receive highly critical acclaim from all the media outlets and gamers around the world. and we absolutely cannot wait for a release date.

This is all speculation of course, as of right now, we can only wait until we get our hands of the game, in the meantime, please look forward for more last of us coverage at Gaming Instincts.

With all of Naughty Dog working on The Last of Us Part II, we’re making great headway into the project. From art, technology, gameplay, and story, this is by far our most ambitious game yet.

You’re in for an intense, beautiful, harrowing, and emotionally moving ride. We’re extremely proud of the game we’re crafting and can’t wait to show you even more – and we promise you won’t have to wait as long for the next big reveal!

More info at the official website

For our E3 2018 news coverage, check this link

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