Red Dead Redemption 2 Downgraded In Latest Patch

Latest Red Dead Redemption 2 Patch Leaves Some Fans Disappointed

While Rockstar has created easily one of the most breathtaking, visually inspiring games this generation in Red Dead Redemption 2, it appears they may have taken a step back with their latest patch to the game. Various users have commented on the game’s now lack of shadows, or ‘ambient occlusion’, which seems to take away aspects of the game’s lighting.

Though the patch details from Rockstar do not state any change to the game’s performance or lighting, one (emphasis on one) Twitter user has deemed it necessary to point out some lighting issues they’ve noticed after the most recent patch was released.

As of now, there has been no official confirmation from Rockstar that this was a potential downgrade was intentional, it has been beginning to leave many fans of the game disgruntled. You can check out the Twitter user’s argument via their Twitter page.

As for what the new patch has confirmed to have added to the game is a new Showdown mode for Red Dead Online Beta, as well as several limited-time clothing items which can be seen and purchased in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue.

Hopefully we’ll get some real confirmation soon regarding this apparent downgrade to Red Dead Redemption 2’s lighting, and as to whether or not it was on purpose, or simply just a bug that will be ironed out in the near future.

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Source: Coin-Drop

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