The Life is Strange 2 season finale is set to launch on December 3, 2019. Square Enix External Studios and DONTNOD Entertainment have released a video detailing the Innovative Choice and Consequence System that “[drive] the development of Daniel, the impressionable younger brother that players guide through Life is Strange 2.”
The video, while providing a more in-depth explanation than players have received before, contains less information than the official Life is Strange blog. So, viewers who wish to be readers instead can head to Tumblr for more information on the Choice and Consequence System.
Lucy Hale, the narrator for the in-depth coverage, explains that the choices players make in Life is Strange 2 are not so simplistic as to merely teach Daniel to be “good” or “bad.” Rather, Daniel learns from Sean’s (the player-character and Daniel’s brother) example based on two values: “Morality and Brotherhood.”
“Daniel’s morality state determines how he acts in any given situation,” states Hale. “Daniel’s brotherhood state determines how he responds to what you, as Sean, teach and ask of him. Does he trust you to make the right choice for the two of you? Or will he disregard what you say because you’ve been unable to bond with him?”
Each choice players make in the game can have an inverse relationship between Daniel’s morality and brotherhood, one increases while the other simultaneously decreases, and different choices are weighted differently.
Life is Strange 2’s first episode released back in September of 2018, and the game has received new episodes at regular intervals. The game is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
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