Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 ‘Basic Free Version’ Launches May 19 in Japan


Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 ‘Basic Free Version’ Launches May 19 in Japan

If you want a taste of what you can expect from the game and can get in on the game with a Japanese account, you can play with Kasumi, but she’s the only character you can try out. Every feature is available except for the Casino, which requires a paid “Casino Membership.” If you don’t own Character Rights to other girls, you won’t be able to give them swimsuit presents, and you won’t be able to share content with the paid version you don’t have the rights to. It’s a pretty barebones setup, but essentially like a full-featured demo.

If you want to pay for the Casino or Character rights, you can pay 1,200-2,000 yen for both either for PS Vita or PS4, which isn’t too bad of a price considering it’s about $40 for the actual game. If you need a quick taste or you don’t feel like you’ll spend a lot of time with it, this might be a good option. Shame it didn’t get an official western release.

“The free-to-play version of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune for PlayStation 4 and Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Venus for PS Vita will launch on May 19 in Japan, publisher Koei Tecmo announced.”

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