Miitomo Launches March 31 in the West


Miitomo Launches March 31 in the West

Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe announced this morning that Miitomo, Nintendo’s first smartphone application, will launch in places like the US and several other countries in Europe on March 31, 2016.

The countries seeing Miitomo on the 31st are the US, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Russia, Australia and New Zealand.

Miitomo is a social media application built around Nintendo’s Miis and their goofy sense of humor. It’s like Tomodachi Life, the mobile version. You’ll be prompted to answer questions about your favorite foods, what you did last weekend, what has you excited, etc., and then your answers will spawn comment threads where your friends can respond with text or, Miifoto

This is a free-to-start application, according to Nintendo. Essentially, it’s free-to-play. You earn in-app currency by interacting with your friends.

“It’s also worth noting that users can still setup a Nintendo account and pre-register for Miitomo in order to get a My Nintendo bonus, though this needs to be done before 31st March. Head to the official site to do this, and we’ve also shared a guide on the process.”

More info at – Source

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