It’s that time of year again for another seasonal event in Monster Hunter World, the Autumn Harvest Festival. Players will have access to special armor, costumes for Poogie and all kinds of past content for a limited time as well as a seasonal design for the Celestial Pursuit. Let’s dive in and check out what’s waiting for hunters during the Autumn Harvest Festival.
Like all seasonal events every day that hunters log in during the event they will receive a special ticket, the Autumn Harvest Ticket. This will be the unique crafting item used to unlock and make the Harvest Armor Set during the event. The low-rank set requires five harvest tickets and 5 sturdy bones to craft and the high-rank set requires five harvest tickets, seven monster hardbones, and five monster keebones to craft. There are also two unique Palico sets, the Felyne Meowloween Mask and the Felyne Ghost Garb, both available in low and high rank only costing one ticket each to craft.
Hunters will also have access to an event special set of Dual Blades, the Downy Crake Brooms, and the high-rank Downy Crake Love weapons. These do not use harvest tickets to craft but have their own special tickets, the Downy Crake Ticket, that players will get from completing the three-star quest “Where Sun Meets Moon” where hunters will have to take down a Pukei-Pukei and a Tobi-Kadachi. Players will only have to get three tickets total to craft both the high level and low-level blades.
Last but not least, hunters will have access to all of the past event quests since the launch of Monster Hunter World. This is the perfect time to catch up on materials hunters may have missed for event armor or weapons such as the Dante or Ryu armor sets, or take on the challenges of any of the previous Arch Tempered monsters that have appeared in the past. The Autumn Harvest Festival runs from September 21st to October 4th on console and October 5th to October 19th on PC.
Announced on the official Blue Sky account.
A title update trailer was also released.
Announced in a game update video.