Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter: World Expands With New Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth

Monster Hunter: World Expands With New Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth

Capcom has revealed the content of the upcoming Kulve Taroth update for Monster Hunter World. The new update will be adding a new Elder Dragon for players to hunt, as well as a new limited-time quest type that will require a certain amount of teamwork between players.

Siege is a brand new, limited quest type that will put a band of hunters on a large scale assault against Kulve Taroth. All participating players will group up in the same Gathering Hub, which can hold up to 16 hunters. Once ready, hunting parties of up to four will work together to repel the Elder Dragon.

Each party will contribute to fighting Kulve Taroth so it’s very much a collaborative event, even more so maybe than your typical Monster Hunts. Capcom says that the Siege is “designed and balanced for multiplayer,” so it’s perfect for you and a group of friends.

The primary goal of this Siege is to repel Kulve Taroth, but its shimmering golden mantle happens to be a collection of shiny weapon relics it has gathered along its journey through the New World. We don’t have much information on when and where Kulve Taroth has amassed all these relics, so the nature and quality of these weapons (read: type and stats) are entirely up to fate.

The Smithy, however, is already hard at work coming up with a new armor set to complement these weapons quite nicely. Be sure to pay him a visit after you’ve gathered enough Kulve Taroth materials.

The first instance of the Kulve Taroth Siege will start on April 18 at 5pm PT / April 19 at 1am BST, along with our second free content update, and will be live only for a limited time. It will return at a later date, but details are very scarce at the moment, so assemble your Squad to take full advantage of this golden opportunity.

Check out the Trailer and some Screenshots:

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