Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Ships 4 Million Units

Capcom announced today that Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, the massive expansion for Monster Hunter: World has sold over 4 million units. The developer has confirmed over that Monster Hunter 61 million of unit sold as of January 15, 2020. Making it one of the most successful video game franchises in the world.

Monster Hunter World has done better than some of the Capcom’s classics, game like Street Fighter 2, Street Fighters Alpha 2, Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry or any of the Mega Man series has done better.

“The Monster Hunter series consists of hunting action games that pit players against giant monsters in a beautiful natural environment. Beginning with the first title in 2004, the series established a new genre in which players cooperate to hunt ferocious monsters with their friends, growing into a mega-hit with cumulative sales of the series exceeding 61 million units as of January 15 , 2020. With Monster Hunter: World (MH:W) (released in January 2018).

Capcom has continued to enhance the series’ global brand value by promoting existing user engagement through regular updates while encouraging lapsed players to return and newcomers to join with free weapons and armor useful for completing the game’s story, driving shipments of the game to 15 million units as of January 2, 2020—the first title in Capcom’s history to achieve this record-high.”

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

expansion released recently for PC users, it brought much more than the announced goodies, nasty performance issues and deleted save data are being reported by users who downloaded the expansion.

Over Steam and Reddit, players have been sharing their experience, which has been disgraceful to say the least. Players also reports extremely high CPU loads, and the lost of save data has annoyed some and angered others.

Stay tuned at Gaming Instincts via Twitter, YouTube and Facebook for more information from Capcom and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion.

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