
Mortal Kombat 11 Ships With Denuvo on PC

PC gamers may boast the infinite power within their platform when it comes to graphics or they might be the best approachable host for developers, in comparison to consoles, but one of the unsolved problems that developers have always had with this ever-lasting platform, is low rate of security for games on getting cracked. Talking generally, every game that features an offline mode is absolutely in the zone of crackers. Publishers and development teams are always looking for more trusted ways to release their titles on PC, but most of the time they are loser side in front of cracker teams.

While currently there is no way stand permanently against piracy in PC games, some publishers prefer to utilize Denuvo which is claimed to be the most secured way against getting cracked, but even Denuvo has been infiltrated numerous times in a short period. Games like Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 7, Metro Exodus and Devil May Cry 5 cracked just a few days after release while including Denuvo software.

Aside from not being trustworthy, it’s being said that Denuvo causes some unignorable troubles in graphics, affecting graphical performance specially in case of frame-rate, which makes players to look for some complicated ways to play games DRM-free in order to get better frame-rate and overall performance, as it was the case for Devil May Cry 5.

What made us to bring up all the things above, is that Mortal Kombat 11 will include Denuvo at launch within it’s PC version, according to the game’s page on Steam. While it may worry pirate fans, the real and legal community of the game is also worried with the decision which could cause some known troubles for the game in it’s PC edition.

Mortal Kombat 11 will be released on April 23rd for PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC.

For more news on Mortal Kombat 11 and other upcoming games, follow Gaming Instincts on Facebook and Twitter.

Guillermo Ortega

Published by
Guillermo Ortega