Nep-Nep Connect: Chaos Chanpuru teaser trailer

Nep-Nep Connect: Chaos Chanpuru teaser trailer

The game is a free-to-play PlayStation Vita game, and will feature over 100 characters from Compile Heart, along with an original heroine for this title named Yuriina (designed by Manamitsu). Yuriina will be journeying to collect gold fragments to save the world from “chaos energy”.

As previously reported, the game features over 100 characters from Compile Heart series, along with a new heroine named Yuriina designed by Manamitsu. The game features 2D card battles that uses the PS Vita’s touch screen’s touch & drag functions.

Alongside the Japanese teaser trailer Compile Heart also released a new teaser website for the title. No confirmation of the game coming to North America, Compile Hearts games are published by Idea Factory International in the west.

The artwork looks amazing, we cannot say much about the music for now, not bad for a F2P game with some cool anime style characters, plus fun on the go.

Nep-Nep Connect: Chaos Chanpuru will release in 2016 in Japan for PlayStation Vita.

Check out the Trailer:

The trailer shows off various screens from the game and lots of the protagonists we know and love from their various franchises.

More info at – Source


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