
Netflix Will Be At E3 2019 to Introduce Gaming Services

Gaming industry has proved its potential and capabilities to most of the big cutting-edge companies which are running the world’s digital technology development and progression through the recent years. With Apple introducing Arcade as a new gaming service and Google launching Stadia later this year, the competition between platform developers in the industry is going to be more breath-taking than ever. Now, I’m glad to announce you that Netflix is the other giant to join to the roster of platform battles in the near future.

Although nothing has been leaked or revealed about the announcements of Netflix in its E3 conference, Geoff Keighley officially revealed via Twitter that the big fish in movie and TV series industry will be coming to E3 2019 for the first time in history. Netflix’s panel is called “Bringing Your Favorite Shows to Life: Developing Netflix Originals into Video Games” and as Keighley claimed it will host “updates and news about [Netflix’s] plans in the gaming space.”

While Sony is skipping E3 2019, it seems the expo is rich enough this year to forget about PS4 and its further announcements in the three-days-long event. Netflix has previously proved its intention in video games by creating video game inspired series like Castlevania and The Witcher. The streaming giant also release Black Mirror: Bandersnatch as one of the distinct movies of all times so far, to keep its subscribers close to the world of games.

We will update you on the article as soon as we find out what Netflix is going to unveil in its E3 2019 panel. Follow Gaming Instincts on Twitter to get latest news faster than ever.

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