Mortal Kombat 11 Rewards Value Tweak

NetherRealm Working On “Tweaking” Rewards Value In Mortal Kombat 11

Due out today, NetherRealm Stuidos’ Mortal Kombat 11 has plenty of fans excited for the next brutal installment in the series. With the return of the gory gameplay, tons of returning favorite characters and a few new features that looks to set the latest installment apart from other entries, it seems there’s been one nagging issue hindering player’s experience: the rate at which you receive in-game rewards.

However, and not a moment too soon, NetherRealm Studios has taken note of the situation and are looking to tweak the balance of the game’s progression system, which currently sees players grinding away for lack-luster rewards. This makes it incredibly frustrating and near impossible to earn the in-game cosmetics and other rewards without spending actual money.

Check out NetherRealm Studios Kombat Kast clip addressing the issue below (at 9:47):

Stated in the video, the studio plans to adjust the value of rewards by issuing a background “tweak” to the game rather than issuing a full patch. So, players keeping an eye out for the next patch in hopes it will adjust your rewards progression won’t find any patch of that nature, as the tweak will instead suddenly occur without any need of an update patch.

We’re sure NetherRealm will all let us know when the fix goes into the game, so keep an eye out for an official announcement from the NetherRealm rather than a new patch.

Mortal Kombat 11 has released today, April 23, 2019, for the Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC.

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