
New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Trailer Hypes Up Incoming Beta

Activision is gearing up for the next annual release in the Call of Duty franchise with Infinity Ward’s upcoming Modern Warfare reboot title next month. While we’ve been teased with plenty of new details, gameplay showings and more, a beta period is also scheduled to get fans hyped for the new release in the series.

To go along with  he hype and beta release, Activision has also unveiled a brand new trailer for the new shooter which shows off plenty of intense gunplay while showing off the thrilling Call of Duty action.

Check out the new trailer below:

You may also check out a full overview of game below:

Prepare to go dark, Modern Warfare is back!

The stakes have never been higher as players take on the role of lethal Tier One operators in a heart-racing saga that will affect the global balance of power. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare engulfs fans in an incredibly raw, gritty, provocative narrative that brings unrivaled intensity and shines a light on the changing nature of modern war. Developed by the studio that started it all, Infinity Ward delivers an epic reimagining of the iconic Modern Warfare series from the ground up.

In the visceral and dramatic single-player story campaign, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare pushes boundaries and breaks rules the way only Modern Warfare can. Players will engage in breathtaking covert operations alongside a diverse cast of international special forces and freedom fighters throughout iconic European cities and volatile expanses of the Middle East.

And the story doesn’t end there.

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, players will be thrust into an immersive narrative spanning the entire game. Experience the ultimate online playground with classic multiplayer, or squad-up and play cooperatively in a collection of elite operations accessible to all skill levels.

The official beta for the game will hit the PS4 first with an early access period on September 12, while hitting outside of the early access on September 14 lasting through the 16. After that, Xbox One and PC players can join in on the beta starting on September 19 and lasting until September 23, 2019.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is set to officially release on October 25, 2019 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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Chris Wheatley

A freelance Games Journalist and an avid gamer, he'll put together an article to keep the reader engaged, informed and moderately happy for a solid 4 minutes. That my friend, is no easy feat. Find him on Twitter at -

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Chris Wheatley