GWENT artwork

New Expansion for CD PROJEKT’s GWENT Now Available

‘Merchants of Ofir,’ the new expansion for CD PROJEKT RED’s GWENT (based off the card game in The Witcher series), is now available.

‘Merchants of Ofir’ is the fourth expansion for GWENT, and introduces over 70 cards themed around Ofir—“the mysterious and exotic land within the world of The Witcher, whose inhabitants players had the chance to interact with in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Hearts of Stone.”

 Moreover, the expansion includes the addition of Neutral cards, faction-specific cards, and a new card type: Stratagems.

Stratagems determine the unique bonus players gain when going first in a match, provided the Stratagem is included in the player’s deck. Furthermore, ‘Merchants of Ofir’ introduces Scenarios — an Artifact card subtype which evolves based on player actions.

Players who log into GWENT before December 16, 2019 at 11:59AM CET “will receive a free keg, granting 5 Merchants of Ofir cards. A variety of limited-time offers, featuring expansion-specific kegs, cards, and ornaments, are also currently available in the in-game store.”

GWENT’s ‘Merchants of Ofir’ is now available on PC and iOS via a free title update. The expansion will automatically be included in GWENT’s Android release, which will arrive on the Google Play Store in Q1 2020.

“In GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, gamers clash with their friends in fast-paced duels that combine bluffing, on-the-fly decision making and careful deck construction. The game is played over a best-of-three series of rounds, as players unleash their hand by slinging spells and diverse units with special abilities, and use clever tricks to deceive their opponents.”

The game comes from CD PROJEKT RED, the developer behind The Witcher series and the highly-anticipated Cyberpunk 2077.

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